Category: IT Expert

The EU AI Act, whose impact will be greater than the one of GDPR, has just been published in the Official Journal. When does it enter into force and what  companies are impacted?

The EU AI Act, whose impact will be greater than the one of GDPR, has just been published in the Official Journal. When does it enter into force and what companies are impacted?

The EU regulation that establishes a uniform legal framework for the development, market placement, service provision, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, called the EU AI Act, has just been published in the Official Journal. The act is directly applicable in Romania, without further transposition measures and will enter into force within 20 days as of its publication date. […]

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OVES Enterprise: The Acquisition of F-35 Aircraft Will Accelerate Romania’s Technological Transformation For The Next 60 Years

OVES Enterprise: The Acquisition of F-35 Aircraft Will Accelerate Romania’s Technological Transformation For The Next 60 Years

Romania’s strategic decision to acquire and operate the F-35 Lightning II jets will not only strengthen the country’s defense and security capabilities and solidify its position within NATO, but also provide enormous opportunities for the involved industries. The F-35 is the only fifth-generation fighter currently in production capable of supporting job creation for the next 40 to 50 years. Its […]

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Two Sides of the Cloud Coin

Two Sides of the Cloud Coin

Cloud computing has brought about a significant change in the way businesses function. It offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions that have transformed traditional business models. Cloud computing allows businesses to access and store data over the internet, which means they don’t have to rely on physical hardware or on-premises data centers anymore. Nicholas Carr’s “The Big Switch” draws a […]

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Veeam Experts Warn: Prepare for a “Digital Pandemic”

Veeam Experts Warn: Prepare for a “Digital Pandemic”

Although the effects of the medical emergency of the beginning of the decade are still making themselves known, data protection experts at Veeam Software draw attention to a new danger that is taking shape against the backdrop of revolutionary developments in science and technology. A global security emergency, or a type of “digital pandemic”, could be unleashed in the near […]

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NextUp Solutions: Digitalization investments in Romanian companies, blocked by the delay of European funds

NextUp Solutions: Digitalization investments in Romanian companies, blocked by the delay of European funds

SMEs are increasingly interested in digitalization and in accessing digital solutions, such as accounting, payroll, or ERP software, through European funds, but Romanian companies cannot equip themselves with digitalization solutions, being affected by the delay in grants to the state, according to NextUp Solutions, one of the largest business software solutions companies in Romania. The official calendar for the awarding […]

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World Backup Day: The most important factors in modern enterprise backup

World Backup Day: The most important factors in modern enterprise backup

Since the start of world backup day in 2011, technology and the data that powers it has continued to evolve. This is particularly true with enterprise organisations, which are more focused than ever on protecting and securing their data across increasingly complex  IT environments. As we recognize World Backup Day 2023, what do enterprises need to focus on? by Edwin […]

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The risks of IT and OT convergence

The risks of IT and OT convergence

The worlds of Information Technology (IT) and Operation Technology (OT) have been separate for many years. IT networks are used exclusively for the interconnection of computers, data centers and public networks, while OT networks typically interconnect industrial production machinery. By Giovanni Prinetti This “air-gapped” separation has largely kept OT networks isolated and away from the problems caused by the cyberattacks […]

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Implementation of SAF-T in 2023. 10 useful recommendations from System Innovation Romania consultants

Implementation of SAF-T in 2023. 10 useful recommendations from System Innovation Romania consultants

15,127 companies classified as „medium taxpayers” must submit the D406 statement in SAF-T format starting in January 2023. The authorities have updated the list of these companies at the end of the year and according to the new data, the obligation to submit SAF-T will be moved to 2025 for approximately 3,000 companies. The news published does not concern the […]

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Overcoming cyber overwhelm: three security goals to focus on in 2023

Overcoming cyber overwhelm: three security goals to focus on in 2023

Working in cyber security can be draining. It’s a high-pressure environment and the stakes are only getting higher. A recent report found that 45% of cybersecurity professionals have considered quitting over the constant threat of Ransomware attacks. The industry has been evangelising (or fear-mongering, depending on who you ask) on the rising threats of bad actors for years. Unfortunately, the […]

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IT entrepreneur, NextUp Solutions: Keeping Romania outside the Schengen area is a great injustice. The business environment suffers and loses money and time for new investments that would help the country’s economy

IT entrepreneur, NextUp Solutions: Keeping Romania outside the Schengen area is a great injustice. The business environment suffers and loses money and time for new investments that would help the country’s economy

The blocking of Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area is considered “a great injustice”, being only an agreement between the Netherlands and Austria, which is looking for pretexts to isolate our country from this area for which it meets the technical entry conditions, is the opinion of Roxana Epure, an IT entrepreneur, the owner of NextUp Solutions. According to her, […]

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NextUp Solutions: 2023 will start with chaos in the entrepreneurial environment. 90% of medium-sized companies are not prepared for SAF-T reporting to ANAF

NextUp Solutions: 2023 will start with chaos in the entrepreneurial environment. 90% of medium-sized companies are not prepared for SAF-T reporting to ANAF

Next year, more than 20,000 medium-sized taxpayers must submit Declaration 406 (SAF-T – Standard Audit File for Tax), but 90% of them are not yet ready to transfer the necessary data to ANAF, although it is mandatory from January 1st, 2023, according to NextUp Solutions, one of the largest software solutions companies for business. Thus, chaos will be generated in […]

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How to say ‘no’ in the face of a ransomware attack

How to say ‘no’ in the face of a ransomware attack

With more than 236 million ransomware attacks taking place in the first half of 2022, attacks are growing in volume and intensity and now affect nearly every industry sector. This is driven by an influx of new ransomware criminals and bolder efforts to secure greater ransom payments from existing bad actors. But, while many organisations rush to pay the ransom […]

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